Four Simple Exercises Just 3 Minutes Before Sleep To Slim Down Your Legs
Not everyone is inclined to exercise everyday. Most women face constraints because of family and work leaving little time to pay attention to themselves. However, if you know how to apply the right hacks to your life, you can easily sneak in that precise workout to get the desired effect on your body such as these easy exercises to slim your legs which can be performed just before you sleep. In fact, aren’t you habituated in putting your legs up on the wall while speaking on your cell to a friend? Why not get a workout in that time. It just takes 3 minutes.
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Ankle exercises
Bend your ankles 20-30 times. Pull your toes to and fro from your body which improves circulation and prevent fluid retention.
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To keep fit engage yourself in various aerobic activity like swimming that improves blood circulation. Alternately an aerobics class is also a great way to maintain your health and fitness. The advantage of this is you can even make your own workout at home.
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Dedication and commitment is the key to working out
Dedication and commitment in fitness and exercise is important. Even though daily routine workouts may bore you, still you need to take a big time if you want that great figure. This is why workout experts like Tracy Anderson has developed the shortest of short workouts for women to slim down legs and burn those fat deposits from knees, inner thighs and calves. They also workout the front and back of your legs and are really short exercises that won’t take up your time. At the end of the article you will also find out how to prevent your legs from being fatigued and less puffy.
>What you need to start
You don’t really need anything to start except your bed because this workout was designed to be performed just as you are about to retire. It takes just 3 minutes and should be done before sleeping and once after you awake in the morning. Do this every day and see the results after a month or 45 days.
1- To tone the front of your thighs
This exercise works out and even tones the front of your legs including knees, abs and thighs. You also get the effect on your abs which is an added bonus.
2- The first position
Lie on your back with your feet raised straight up forming a ninety-degree angle with your body. Place your arms on both sides of your body and with toes pointing straight up; bend your knees one by one. Do not bend the knee of the leg that is straight up. Now return your legs back into the first position and keep thighs taut together and tensed. Repeat again 10 times for each leg. If you feel warm in your muscles, it means you’re doing it right. Point to note: In the first initial position, don’t bend your knees.
3- To tone the back part of the thighs
This exercise also works out and tones both the front and back of your thighs, knees as well as your abs it is almost similar to the first exercise but with a difference if you look at the picture closely.
The second position
Lie on your back as before with both legs raised in a ninety-degree angle to your body, however this time instead of toes pointing up, curl your feet back towards you so that they are almost parallel to your body. Now again as in the first exercise bend your knees one by one. Your heels should reach your butt for maximum effect Repeat this 10 times for each leg.
3- The third position
In the initial position, lie on your back and keep your legs in the initial raised position. You can bend your knees a bit. Now make a swinging action with both legs together raising your butt as you do so. Try to keep your upper legs taut and tensed. This must be repeated 20 times. If your muscles in the back of your thighs experience a warm tingling, then you’ve got it right.
4- To tone the inner part of the thighs
This workout tones and exercises your upper legs, abs and butt. When you workout or do any exercise before sleep or upon waking up, ensure you eat the right food and avoid unhealthy bedtime snacking. Resort to healthy bedtime snacks that can work wonders for your fat loss.
5- The fourth position
Lying in the initial position again raise your legs and cross your right leg over the left. Both legs need to be pressed firmly against each other. Now bend knees towards your body lowering your legs but keeping them crossed together. Legs should always be pressed and crossed to get maximum effect. Repeat this 10 times with each leg in the upper position
6- Additional benefits of the leg exercises
Besides slimming down and toning your legs, the other benefit you get from these exercises is relief from leg pain if you suffer from varices or varicose veins and swollen legs. Such pain can also be caused by sitting down at work all day and living a sedentary life without activity. Wrong shoes can also cause pain in the legs. These exercises to slim legs will help you overcome such problems. For more tips on fat burning exercises you can refer here.
7- Simple rules to healthy and good looking legs
Walking Walking is an excellent exercise for legs that removes any swelling or pain. However, the important thing here is to rely on comfortable footwear and not something you have to squeeze your feet into. 30-60 minutes of walking a week is necessary for the desired effect or walk 10 minutes every 2 hours.

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